Sunday 19 August 2012

Vacation - road trip


I am in the US - so no updates and the next one can be expected within 14 days. Performance continue to be good, EurJpy hit its target and the algo is short the JPY across the board. The coming week will be the first time ever when I wont be able to update my model, so performance can be expected to be a bit erratic.

All the best!

Monday 6 August 2012

Happy birthday! New all-time high

Well... Sorry for the confusing headline, but it is actually a sort of a birthday -  it is 6 months since I started this blog. 6 months passes by in a second - it has not always been an easy ride, but the result have by far exceeded all my expectations. Actually, the algo (my macro model) posted a new ALL-TIME high last week, up approx. 45% since inception. The best thing lately have been to see that it is not only negatively correlated to risk, it also managed to perform strongly when equities did the same (like last week) - firming up the use for the model as it seems to show quite low correlation with equities.

What about the discretionaty portfolio? - Well, minor activity lately, but I took on two new positions last week following the ECB-meeting (where I though the market reaction was a bit "too much"). Long EurJpy and Short AudCad. I stopped (with a small loss USD -55) the short position in AudCad late last week since my macro model changed signal while increased my stop in EurJpy above entry (Entry 95.3 - stop at 95.5, target 98.1). ECB's Draghi disappointed markets by not introducing any new non-standard meausers, however, between the lines he said it was on the table - and quite soon as well. So the negative market reaction felt a bit overdone. Else, the strong Aud and Sek feels toxic, but nothing I want to take positions against as of now. I wouldn't want to chase a short position in EUR at these levels, short-squeezes could potentiall be nasty!

But for now - activity wil be low. I have just started my vacation and I will be traveling a lot. First of to London and the olypmics, and then the US for first a week in Vegas and then a roadtrip to San Fransisco. I will try to keep you tuned.

Performance, please see below:

Current positions:

Short USDJPy


That is it for now!

Take care my dear six-months friends