Sunday 1 July 2012

Congrats Spain!

What a MACHINE - Spain!

I had my hopes for an Italian victory, but it wasn't even close.

A very short update, I am off to London tomorrow for a trading conference (focusing on Fixed Income), but will be back on Thursday. Sorry for my infrequent postings lately! But as I always say, I continue to take my signals every day eventhough I dont post here. I also managed to find some time to do some programming lately, I continue to validate a break-out model (looks promising)... More to come on that subject - hopefully. :)

The algo have had some diffuculties lately, but is still up significantly this year, see chart below.

The current positions look like;



So, all-in-all a quite mixed porfolio in terms of risk on/off.


No positions active but a new all-time high. :)
Lately I have tried to short GBPUSD (Stopped out with a loss of around USD -160) and go long EURUSD (profit of USD 250). The long EURUSD was based on that I thought way too much negative was priced into the price going into the EU summit (Merkel downplayed all market expectations in a clever way), but I was very close to ger stoppped out. I entered with two units, one at 1.25 and the other one at 1.2445, both with stops at 1.2395... Low was 1.2407. So very lucky indeed. I closed it early Friday at 1.2587. I wont take any new trades this week since I will be away.

Over and out!

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