Sunday 24 June 2012

Vacation - all targets hit


just a really short update since I have been away on vacation (Beautiful Sweden)...
For the ones following the blog more carefully, then you are aware that all my profit targets were hit this week. :) The positioning for stronger AUD realized, and both AUDCAD and EURAUD hit my targets of 1.04 and 1.24, respectively. Implying that the competition is acutally alive again, the discretionary portfolio is upp USD 1400 while the algo had suffered lately. I will do the graphical update as soon as I settled again.

But all in all - no positions active in the discretionary portfolio. I hope this will change the coming week, the JPY seems to be suffering a bit lately and I may consider following the trend.

over and out (When Sweden is out of the cup, well then Goooo Italy)

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