Wednesday 25 April 2012



I have been lucky lately which means that my total portfolio value is up to a new all-time-high of USD 4800...! That was not what I expected when I started in early Feb with USD 2000... :) But, that is how it works, markets give and it takes - I always try to take more when it gives and leave less when it takes... I wish it was that easy...

So, what has happened lately?! Macro continues to disappoint with the flash PMI's out from Europe being horribel, actually the German one was down to the levels not seens since 2009... I guess this is a signal that the austerity in Europe really bites and with that follows less trading within the Eurozone. The Chinese flash PMI (manufacturing data) was also a bit weak, but atleast better than expected. That in combination with the political uncertainity from France and the Nehterlands saw equities fall off cliff on monday... down around -3%. With the Spanish IBEX down to levels not seen since 2003... And, in all this mess I still want to be long EURUSD! Isn't it fascinating that EURUSD hasn't traded lower? (for reasons mentioned in previous posts)... So, I went long EURUSD on both the discretionaty book and the algo book on Monday respectively Sunday. I will keep this positions as for now while I reduced half om my long position in AUDNZD following tonights' FOMC confernce as that cross have seen a decent rebound since the lows and as my convinction is somewhat decreased.

Positions as of today:


It has been a good week so far as all positions have performed, current value USD 550

Long EURUSD (at 1.3152, stop at 1.3065 and target 1.3390)
Long AUDNZD (reduced half at 1.2714)


New all-time-high today (18% return), and in absolute terms without taking into account different weights USD 2250

Long EURUSD (done at 1.3192)

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