Thursday 15 March 2012


Hi folks,

what a week... It has been very interesting at work, I should maybe mention that I am involved in the management of a cross-asset mandate (Focusing on Fixed Income, Equties, FX and Credits) based on medium-term macro views... And eventhough I love FX, that is actually the smalles mandate. I don't want to say too much of this since this is not the scope of the blog, but I was lucky to buy some short-dated equity-options for 6 ticks this monday and with expiry tomorrow... They are now worth around 50 ticks, so it has been a lucky punt so far. But the annoying part is that I got sick yesterday, so I haven't been able to go to work today. Hopefully I feel OK tomorrow, I don't want to miss the option-expiry... :)

Ok, back to FX... The FOMC-statement came as expected so I reacted instantly and bought back my USDJPY at 82.87 and closed them the day after at 83.50. Lucky once again, the stronger-USD trend is really intact, but I feel it is time to be really prudent since the risk of a set-back is appearent. So, I have moved up my stop on the USDJPY position that I took on at 79.55 around a month ago to 80.40 (before 77.80, and then 79.70). So, that is atleast a given win as long as the slippage don't decide to take a monster-leap south. Else, I took on another position in USDJPY today at 83.36, doing a small punt again. Aiming for 83.95 and stop at 82.97. Thinking through my discretionary trading, I feel I need to diversify a bit, trading USDJPY is a bit to correlated to my algo. portfolio, and I can be much more creative than just trading one pair. That will be the taks for the weekend.

The development of the portfolio have been fantastic, and to be transparent to you so you really can trust my writing I decided to attach my Account equity as of yesteday... As you can see, almost USD 4600. :)

However, today is not as good and the account currently stands around USD 4200...

I had some time today to structure and produce a track-record of all my trades. I am now able for the first time to give you the current score of the competition...!

My discretionary trading is up USD 829

The algo. is up USD 1435

I will from now on do this update once a week, and I also expect to show you the graphs of the developments... When I have my new account up and running, I will deposit USD 10000. Out of these I think 4000 will be dedicated to my discretionaty trading and 6000 USD to the algos. So, in the end all that matters will be the percentage.

That is all for now, enjoy your w/e!


Algo. positions




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