Sunday 4 March 2012

Spring is in the air...!


What a wonderful weather this weekend... It feels much better to go outside when we are heading towards summer instead of winter.

So, I still haven't had time to produce some graphs on my two diffenrent portfolios (algo and discretionary), but have patience, it will come. As a positive note, it is fun to log in to my account and see that it value corresponds to a new all-time-high... It currently stands at 3250$, and remembering it was only threee weeks ago it was at 1960$. However, as I stated before, my intial though has always been to start with 5000$. I actually been asked a couple of times lately if I could invest other peoples money. I have been a bit sceptical so far, but after having thought it through more carufully maybe it could be a good idea to take in others' money as well. It will make the competition even more serious since I will have a responsibility to the ones investing, just as I do at my work nowadays. If I decide to say yes I will keep the numbers of investors very limited so that focus remain on the competition and not on admin.

I have had a shift of signal (once again) in the algo-portfolio, I will square my position in USDJPY and go short GBPJPY (currently long) as soon as the markets open. That leaves me with the following positions after execution in the algo-portfolio:


The discretionary portfolio has been boosted by the strong performance in USDJPY, I am so far pleased with the decision to double the position, but the war is far from over... :)


Have a nice week

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